I’ve accepted that I can’t help people roll out Selenium without actually helping them also roll out Continuous Delivery practices. As such, I’ve started to do talks and workshops on it. The first was a full-day workshop at STPCon and yesterday I recycled the same deck for a talk at a local conference.

**[Automation and the Deployment Pipeline](http://www.slideshare.net/agoucher/automation-and-the-deployment-pipeline "Automation and the Deployment Pipeline")**
View more [presentations](http://www.slideshare.net/) from [Adam Goucher](http://www.slideshare.net/agoucher)

Of course, the deck is pretty, but it doesn’t do much good without actually having me in front of it. So here are some notes around it. As I get more-and-more things to link, I will.


An Ethical Distinction

The Lightsaber Heuristic

Lots of Moving Parts

  • Acceptance criteria
  • Configuration management
  • Continuous Integration
  • Data migration
  • Deployment
  • Functional test automation
  • Immunization systems


Manual Inspection

Commit Phase

Configuration Management – Most organization’s CM is stuff in the days of sail and schooners with lots of people involved doing lots of things to load/unload cargo. You want to move to the modern era with standardized, interchangeable containers. Once this is (fully) in place, you never should have to log into a machine to make a configuration change. And should you have to, then its a hole in your CM setup

Continuous Integration – /Everything/ is run from here; job runs, deployments, etc. and is the Information Radiator for the whole organization.

Data Migration – Again, no more running SQL by hand! All scripted and version controlled


Functional Automation

Immunization Systems – Aot a lot of information on this, but essentially, have your monitor system check business metrics for a new build once pushed to an environment. If it drops below the mean for a specific amount of time, then roll it back

Organizational Changes – Continuous Delivery is not just a technical change, but an organizational one as well