**[Is your Automation Infrastructure ‘Well Architected’?](//www.slideshare.net/agoucher/is-your-automation-infrastructure-well-architected "Is your Automation Infrastructure ‘Well Architected’?")** from **[Adam Goucher](//www.slideshare.net/agoucher)**

This week I was in Chicago to get back onto my soapbox around how automation patterns have been largely created so the risk has shifted to the infrastructure the scripts run on. There is too much content for an hour which is the length I thought I had, until the day before which I realized I had 45 minutes. And then on stage the counter said 40 minutes.

Anyhow, this talk is supposed to overwhelm by intention. The idea being here is a whole bunch of things you can think about on your own time with the assistance of the actual well architected framework (which, again, is cloud neutral if you swap out cloud provider component names.)

See you next month in Malmo where I’m giving it again are Øredev.

(I’ll embed the recording once its available.)