Hugh over at Gaping Void has been publishing a series of user generated Manifestos. The catch is they must be 500 words or less. While it is not likely that mine will be as infamous as the Unabomber or Agile Manifestos, here is my first crack at a Quality Manifesto.

  1. Quality is Value – if something detracts from the Value of a thing, it is also detracts from the Quality.
  2. Quality is subjective – my definition and yours will not match; and that is perfect.
  3. Determining Quality is Easy – Anyone can test a thing and find Value detractions.
  4. Quality is Hard – Not everyone can find most of the detractions in a reasonable time.
  5. Quality Starts from the beginning – The sooner Quality is considered in the existance of a thing, the better it will turn out.
  6. There is Never Enough Quality – I expect to never hear that something has too much Value.
  7. You can spend too much time in the pursuit of Quality – The Law of Diminishing Returns applies to Quality as much as it does to everything else.
  8. Quality is Implied – Junk is no longer tolerated.
  9. Quality is Unappreciated – You never know what you had until it is gone.
  10. Price is no longer a Measure of Quality