I think I am going to try to attend / participate / speak at (at least) 1 industry related function each month. So far, I think this is how the rest of the year is shaping up.

June 2007
9 – 10: Toronto Workshop on Software Testing; presenting on using SLIME to manage retesting related schedule risk
21: DiTA Pro bbq
26: TASSQ monthly meeting (more interested in the post presentation schmooze at the bar, but…

July 2007
9 – 10: CAST 2007 (not sticking around for the tutorials)

August 2007

September 2007

October 2007

Nov 2007
7 – 8: GLSEC; tentative at this time, but the price is right and depending on how the TWST talk goes I might offer to do it there too

Dec 2007

Jan 2008
If I can swindle an invite, then I’ll try to go to the 2007 Workshop on Teaching Software Testing

Anything else I am missing that has been announced so far and does not cost over $1000 (to fit in the budget)?