Lee Copeland is Program Chair for the StarEast/West conferences and more interestingly was a grad student at the University of Utah when they connected the 4th node onto the internet. Of course, he didn’t realize how important it was at the time. With that disclaimer, he did a talk on what he percieves as Today’s Testing Innovations in which he outlined what he sees as the important things affecting our craft. I didn’t take a list of of his innovations (because to me, they aren’t really innovations). But here is what I did write down.

  • Eeyore is the patron saint of testing. Well, maybe just mascot
  • Write things down (in the context of test documentation) when you need to remember it and communicate it.
  • The notion of a ‘performance budget’ — how much time is each part of the application alloted to execute
  • Apparently Cem Kaner is working on the 3rd edition of Testing Computer Software during his sabbatical
  • The certification debate continues to broil. The slide on had everyone scrambling for pens to take down notes. I can’t possibly describe how sick I am of the whole thing.
  • What is your event horizon? Next hour? Day? Week? Month?
  • Some traits of innovative people
    • Creative
    • Talented
    • Empowered
    • Fearless
    • Visionary
    • Passionate
    • Multiple disciplines (merging ideas)