Ryan Gerard seems to be having a busy couple of weeks doing presentations. In addition to his presentation on Meta Frameworks here at CAST, his presentation on Scalable Test Selection Using Source Code from another recent conference was just posted. For me, this topic was worth the entire trip as it gives a term to something that I have done 3 times in the last 7 years which is write a test automation framework which aggregates the test results for many different test frameworks. While this isn’t to top of my interest list these days, its pretty high up there. At the end of the presentation we realized that we need to start, for lack of a better term, a bit of a community of people who have implemented these metaframeworks to share knowledge and things-that-worked-for-us-in-a-certain-context (previously known as Best Practices). I’m pretty sure there is enough interest in a LAWST style workshop on this subject. If you are interested in the topic, leave a comment, email me or add yourself to the CAST wiki (perhaps if you were not a CAST attendee you should flag yourself as such if you use the wiki). I’ll ping you in a couple weeks to get the community going.

Oh, and yes, the session which inspired me the most, has the least amount of notes. I only have one; in distributed systems, change the oracle, not the test to allow for test reuse.