Guy Kawasaki did a webinar yesterday afternoon on The Art of Evangelism in which he outlines his vision of what evangelism is an how to do it properly. WebEx has the slides and the recording available.

Here are his evangelism steps.

  1. Make meaning
    • Create a new good thing
    • Perpetuate an existing good thing
    • End a bad thing
  2. Make a mantra
    • 2 or 3 words (like, oh say Quality through Innovation)
  3. Role the DICEE
    • D – depth
    • I – intelligent
    • C – complete
    • E – elegant
    • E – emotive
  4. Niche thyself
    • Unique product
    • High value to the customer
  5. Let a hundred flowers blossom
    • Don’t sweat if the people buying your product are not the ones you planned on
    • Instead ask them why they did buy it and do more of it
  6. Make it personal
  7. Find the true influencers
    • Hint: it is rarely the CXO
  8. Enable (product) test drives
  9. Look for agnostics, not atheists
  10. Provide a slippery slope
    • Make it easy to get sucked into the product
    • This is how linux made inroads
  11. Don’t let the bozos grind you down
    • Losers are bozos
    • So are supposedly smart people

And some random bullets

  • Great products are easy to evangelize, crap ones are not
  • Evangelize internal people just the same as you would external folks
  • Great evangelizers are also great demonstrators