Much like the art world has their isms (fauvism, impressionism, pointalism, etc), the testing world has their ilities (usability, accessability, maintainability, etc). Anne-Marie Charrett‘s blog (which has some very broken links, so if you get a 404 or similar, remove the www from the beginning of the url) introduces the notion of sustainability. Here is what she groups under this umbrella, but I’m sure there are others.

  • Sustainabile – how energy efficient is the application under development?
  • Peripherals – how well does the application perform using energy efficient peripherals
  • Monitor – Does the application function properly under “minimal power configuration”
  • Switching Off – How well does the application function when peripherals are switched off
  • Virtualization – How well does the software function in a virtual environment
  • Printing – What alternatives does the application provide to printing (PDF?)