GLSEC 2007 was my first appearance as a speaker at an industry event (I presented at an early DemoCamp, but don’t count that in the same category).

I figured a regional conference run by people I knew was a safe forum to start building out the larger Brand Of Adam. My talk was in the developer track and not the testing one which was the correct one given who was in attendance. There were about 25 people in the room and I had 2 people come up to me afterwards and say they took lots of notes and think it will help them solve some of their problems. So even though I had a major case of the butterflies I think the presentation went okay all things considered.

The key thing I wanted to drive home was that both i18n and l10n are not linguistic problems. They are just technical ones. Leave the linguistic issues to the translators.

Here are the slides I used (two weeks later than I had planned).

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