Building software, and by building I mean the actual compilation aspect, is not that complicated. A couple commands and out pops a .class or .exe. When you want to automatically grab it out of version control, build, package, deploy and test it it can get a little hairy.

We’ve recently resurrected one of these systems which has ant at it’s core. It’s certainly not efficient with tonnes of environment assumptions and no safety nets to speak of.

Here is the first of those safety nets; a little batch script which wraps the ant task that launches the whole shebang and

  • ensures that changes to the environment stay within the confines of the script
  • checks that you have java in your path
  • that the java version is the appropriate one
  • that you have ANT_HOME set
  • sets the classpath appropriately so the listener works

What it doesn’t do is always clean up after itself if something goes wrong, but I hope to catch and handle those inside the actual ant script.

Anyhow, after the cut is the actual script because it is rather large and going to bump things down artificially.



rem check for correct java version

rem this is what is on slider now
set CORR_VERSION="1.4.2_04"

if "%JAVA_HOME%" == "" goto no_java_home

"%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java" -version 2>ab_java_version.txt
goto check_java_version

java -version 2>ab_java_version.txt
goto check_java_version

for /f "tokens=3" %%g in (ab_java_version.txt) do (
  if not %%g == %CORR_VERSION% goto wrong_java_version
  goto end_java_version

echo Expected JDK %CORR_VERSION%. Please set fix your JAVA_HOME or path and try again.
goto done


rem set ANT_HOME if it is not already set
if "%ANT_HOME%" == "" goto no_ant_home

rem add it to the front of the path
set PATH="%ANT_HOME%\bin";%PATH%
goto end_ant_home

echo Set your ANT_HOME variable before running this script
goto done


rem CLS
set CLASSPATH=.;.\\\\log4j\\\\log4j-1.2.15.jar

if (%1) == () goto no_tag

rem specific tag desired
ant -f buildAndInstall.xml -listener -logger installNewBuild
goto done

ant -f buildAndInstall.xml -listener -logger installNewBuild
goto done

if exist ab_java_version.txt del ab_java_version.txt
