Theories about Persuasion
To continue the thread that test triage and bug reports could learn from marketing and selling is a link I found somewhere (can’t remember where exactly) about the Theories about Persuasion. For those too lazy to click the original link, through the magic of copy-and-paste here is the guts of the content.
- Bait-and-switch: Great offer that never happens.
- Door In The Face (DITF): Cause rejection then make real offer.
- Foot In The Door (FITD): Make small offer then increase.
- Forced Compliance: Obligation to obey.
- Information Manipulation Theory: Breaking one of the four conversational maxims.
- Persuasion: factors important in persuasion.
- Priming: Setting up memory to be used later.
- Reciprocity Norm: we feel obliged to return favors.
- Scarcity Principle: we want what is of limited availability.
- Sleeper Effect: when persuasive messages increase effectiveness over time.
- Social Influence: How we are strongly influenced by others.
- Subliminal Messages: famous method that is a sham.
- Ultimate Terms: some words are particularly powerful.
- Yale Attitude Change Approach: factors important in persuasion.