On a whim I decided to check out the feasibility of flying to Baltimore for the day to watch two NCAA field lacrosse games. According to one online travel company, here is the available flights between Toronto and Baltimore on the day in question.

At first glance it seems reasonable; not direct, but only one stop over and it isn’t something like Miami or similarly out of the way and it does indeed meet my start/stop requirements locationaly.

The issue is the timings.

It would appear that this flight crew is based out of Toronto and makes the run from there to Baltimore then reloads and heads back with a grand total of 28m on the tarmac. 28m is certainly not enough time to do anything useful — certainly not get downtown, watch 2 games and then get back.


This really isn’t a BITW (bug in the wild) as this is displaying (presumably) the correct values, but it really makes little sense to display this to the user. Other than a mule, does anyone go to an airport for under half an hour? I’m guessing there is likely an algorithm that could kick in if the departure and return dates are the same (or within x hours to handle date rollover) but that opens up a whole different can of worms.