The other series I finally got around to watching last night was Scaling Rails. It was pretty pretty good, but at the same time highlighted some of the, for lack of a better term, concerning patterns that surround Rails. The two big ones I keep noticing are

  • You need to run Edge in order to get the new stuff. It amazes me how many people run Edge in production. That seems like begging for pain.
  • Scaling Rails is all about caching and where to put it. It’s not about more efficient design or architecture.

As I said before, the series was good, especially if you haven’t dug into how to scale your application before. Of the 13 episodes, you can skip 1, 4 and 13 as they are informercials for the product that sponsored the series. All the other episodes are sub-10 minutes in length and really well done from a production quality perspective.

  • Episode Two: Page Caching
    • Want to do this as much as humanly possible
    • But don’t forget to expire them
    • When to do it? When every user sees the same thing
  • Episode Three: Expiration Strategy
  • Episode Five: Advanced Page Caching
    • Pagination – use routes
    • Dynamic Data – use AJAX
  • Episode Six – Action Caching
    • Use when you need filters to run (like authentication)
    • Good tip: when starting out, use :file_store as you can actually see the cached files on disk to see what it is doing
    • tweaks
      • don’t cache the layout (:layout => false)
      • conditional caching (:if => { … })
  • Episode Seven – Fragment Caching
    • When you have many pieces when you want to cache independently
  • Episode Eight – Memcached
    • Pronounced memcache dee
    • Short explanation: {} in Memory
    • Use in two different ways
      • Object store
      • Fragment cache store
    • Fetch is kinda cool
    • Avoiding cache expiration
      • :expires_at
      • use intelligent keys (by passing in ActiveRecord objects and letting Rails magic do its thing)
  • Episode Nine – Interview with Taylor Weibley
    • 3 tips for scaling
      1. Beware of fetching external data
      2. Optimize your database
        • Don’t forget indexes
        • Use :include
        • Use counter caching
        • QueryTrace plugin
        • Drop to SQL if you really need control
        • Denormalize columns
        • Slaves and masters (Masochism plugin)
        • Database sharding (Data Fabric gem)
      3. Design for scaling upfront
  1. Episode Ten – Client-side Caching
    • 3 headers
      1. max-age
      2. etag
        • Nice explanation
        • Faster for the client, still same cost for server
        • In Rails 2.2 you can do custom keys
      3. last_modified
    • stale?
    • fresh_when
    • etag and last_modified can be used together
  2. Episode Eleven – Advanced HTTP Caching
    • Proxy Cache – extra layer of caching on the client side
    • Reverse Proxy Cache – extra layer of caching on the server side
    • RPC expiration is controller using the Client-side Caching stuff
    • or better yet, combine them
      • max-age + etags
      • max-age + last_modified
    • gotta love when a recommended technique is available only if you are running Edge Rails. C’mon folks. Seriously?
  3. Episode Twelve – Jesse Newland
    • Separate / isolate your rails stack
    • Avoid hitting your database
    • Use an intelligent reverse proxy (one that queues requests)
      • Nginx + HAProxy + Thin
      • Nginx + Fair Proxy Module
      • Apache + Passenger
  4. Episode Thirteen – Jim Gochee
    • Analyze your app in Production (load test against production)
    • Optimize you database use
    • Use HAProxy