There are whole theories around how people learn. I know that I am capable of learning through experiential workshop-y type things, but I don’t enjoy it. But, when I saw that Ester Derby and Diana Larsen were doing a workshop on Agile Retrospectives I sucked it up and went.

Retrospectives are one of the secrets to success of Agile since they embed reflection and course correction right in the process. And I figured if I am going to learn about them I might as well learn from the people who wrote the book. (Now if only Pragmatic Press would send me a review copy…)

Now, if only all my notes made as much sense now as they did then.

  • People are not resources. You can split a resource, but splitting a person gets messy
  • Quality vs. Satisfaction of results
  • Throughput vs. Flow
  • Stages of a Retrospective
    1. Set the Stage
      • Define the focus for the retrospective (what we’re going to talk about and not talk about)
      • Set the agenda
      • Quick check-in to get everyone to say at least one thing. (ex: In one word, describe how you think the project went) If you can get people to say something at the beginning they are likely to talk later in the retrospective. Allowing people to be quiet gives them tacit permission to not say anything for the rest of the meeting.
      • On/Off charts
    2. Gather Data
      • You can’t reach good conclusions without data
      • Everyone experiences the project differently. Even the same even can be interpreted in different ways.
      • There are all sorts of ways to do this: radar chart, timeline chart, etc.
    3. Generating Ideas and Insights
      • Insights
      • Ideas
      • Underlying causes
      • Understand the stor(y ies) behind the data
      • …all based on the data collected
    4. Deciding what to do
      • Often what is most ‘important’ doesn’t have the most energy. Energy trumps importance
      • Decisions need to fit into the next iteration
      • The product backlog is prioritized on value, tasks on energy
      • Tasks, not stories
      • If team claims energy, but no one takes ownership then you have to start questioning the actual energy.
    5. RoR (Retrospective on the Retrospective)
      • Yes, it is kinda meta, but you have to reflect on the retrospective that is just wrapping up
  • Most retrospectives start directly at stage 3, but since you haven’t done the first 2 stages there is poor data and less buy-in to the outcome
  • If people don’t come to the retrospective, that is information in itself. Such as, do you have a team or a bunch of people working together?
  • It is really hard to get ‘other’ people to change. Include them so they are no longer ‘other’. Or change your relationship.
  • The point of the retrospective is to get people out of their habits
    • Vary focus each time
    • Don’t do it the same way twice
    • Can change the spokes of the radar
  • Retrospective Facilitators Community mailing list
  • As a facilitator, you need to prepare. If you are asking for people’s time, make sure they get value.
  • After the coach is gone, who runs the retrospective? The team! Rotate the lead
  • It is hard to facilitate and participate without the perception of manipulating the result
  • Leading retrospective skills are transferable — to demos, customer meetings, project planning
  • People become better / effective participates if they also lead (payback is a bitch)
  • Don’t be afraid to shuffle focus is the energy and activities show different intensity
  • Some tools and activities are focus dependent
  • Thomas Walker is full of useful facilitation ideas
  • Need to tap into the ‘feelings’ level to enter the learning loop
  • Have a backup activity. Knowing hat you have it will make you more comfortable
  • Have a long and short activity for each goal in case of timing issues.
  • Be careful to when framing the focus to make it neutral (no hint of blame)
  • Pairing works with code and test, so why not pair for planning retrospectives
  • Conflict
    • Is inevitable
    • Is avoided at your own peril
    • Can exist without malice
    • When absent is filled with apathy
    • Can enhance and build a relationship
  • Trap – ‘working in collaborative teams’ does not mean you have to always have consensus.
  • Success criteria for retrospectives
    • Completion of activities that resulted from the retrospectives
    • The team improves how they work
  • Idea – use the same radar chart every quarter to to see how things are progressing
  • Don’t have to keep all artifacts. Keep the action item ones and just take a picture of the rest
  • Retrospectives are for the team
  • There are 3 rings of control
    • Center – Things the team can control
    • Middle – Things the team can influence
    • Outer – ‘The Soup’ – You can choose how to respond
  • Retrospective Facilitator Gathering
  • Sam Kaner’s Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making
  • Retrospectives help teams think, learn and decide together