My wife, being horse mad, picks up various Dressage magazine when we wander over to the local magazine store. (They counteract the dirt bike ones I get; at least she knows how to ride a horse.) In December’s Dressage Today there was an ‘ask the experts’ question about how to become a professional [horse] trainer. The response works well in a greater context. Here are the bullets and relevant quotes from Jessica Jo Tate.

  • Talent – Be prepared to ride everything from untrained backyard horses to top-trained FEI horses. You can learn from every horse no matter the price tag. Also, as a trainer, you need to learn to ride all breeds. Keeping an open attitude about horses will help you to learn about the nature of the horse and how horses think. Regard every horse you get involved with as a textbook in the library of your professional life.
  • Sacrifice / Selflessness – Many professionals make jokes about the horses having better living conditions, better health and better fitness than they do. Especially in the beginning, be prepared for the school of hard knocks.
  • Blood, Sweat & Tears – Every professional I know has cleaned stalls, put up hay, dragged arenas, etc. Eventually, this experience helps you run your own place.
  • Determination – Always keep you eye on your goal, and pay attention to the road you are taking to get there. If you start down a path that is not right for you, refocus on your goal and get back on track.
  • People Skills – Getting along and working together with other people is key to your success
  • Bravery or Courage – Keep challenging yourself to become the best possible horsewoman and person in every situation, from cleaning stalls and grooming horses to riding young ones all the way up to FEI.
  • Character & Intelligence – You’ll have to learn how to deal with disappointment, win and lose gracefully and be a team player. These skills not only make you a top professional but a top person, as well.
  • Develop a Plan – It is important to find a mentor and a support network, as this sport will challenge you.