Macleans has a [brief interview with Mark Remy](

-about-your-speed/) about his book The Runner’s

Rule Book in the December 28, 2009 edition. It is rather light hearted and could be

ignored by non-runners, except for the section on stretching which is impact on a wider


On the subject of stretching, Remy tells Maclean’s, “I’m always too lazy to stretch.” Rule 1.42 is “Stretch If You Want To.” “If you’re looking for hard evidence of stretching’s benefits, good luck,” he writes. “Fact is, it doesn’t exist. And if you want to ask other runners or doctors or physical therapists or high school track coaches, go for it. Just be prepared to hear a different opinion from each one of them. If stretching seems to help you run better and feel better, then stretch. If not, then don’t.”

Now substitute in any of the following for stretching:

  • TDD
  • Pair Programming
  • SBTM
  • Agile
  • Waterfall
  • Metrics
  • UI Automation

Or any other buzzword or sacred cow of industry.

The last line is critically important: If X seems to help you Y better and feel better, then X. If not, then don’t.