• Selenium RC 1.0.3 is released
  • Selenium IDE 1.0.5 is released!
  • Mogo is making web testing easier; invitation alpha now on
  • Step six of Oracle ADF Development Essentials is Testing Your Oracle ADF Faces Application with Selenium. I would have switched it for step seven which is CI, but whatever.
  • FlexMonkium is a FlexMonkey -> Selenium bridge from the authors of FlexMonkey. I’m not sure how they are getting around the need to have an enterprise license for recording, but I’ll be talking to them over the next day or two.
  • Learning Python is not about Selenium, but about why learning a scripting language has helped Lanette Creamer do her job better and includes ‘Since I’ve been working more with Python I can now understand Java better! I can read other people’s code and follow it more often. I’m pleased that I can get test ideas from what I think is missing in the code, not just what I see that is there.‘. If you are using Selenium, you should know a scripting language.
  • While not new, 10 Tips for Building Selenium Integration Tests saved me some time last weekend.
  • If you are using Rails and Sauce Labs OnDemand, the folks at Pivotal Labs have written a saucelabs-adapter
  • Chris Bedford at the San Francisco Java User Group presents talking about Selenium.

  • 2010 CWE/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Errors – do your scripts check for these?
  • Jason Huggins at the Denver Agile User Group talking about the Future of Automation

  • The next London Selenium Meetup is April 20 and will be on Selenium 2 — going to record it guys?
  • Announcing Selenesse, the modern Fitnesse -> Selenium bridge
  • Flow Control and WebDriver Se-IDE plugins- again, fairly self explanatory
  • SeleniumHQ has a new blog
  • If you are using Se with Rails, you really owe it to yourself to use mechanize
  • The CoScripter Reusable History plugin was this week’s Sikuli. The only thing I could see steal, erm, borrow-able is the exporting to human friendly text part. Who is going to write that formatter for Se-IDE?
  • Google Summer of Code is on the horizon. What Se projects should we submit?
  • If you want the bleeding edge Se-IDE builds, you can get them out of the OpenQA Continuous Integration server. (Click the current build, then Artifacts)