It has been a fair while since I did an update post about the goings-on in my world so somewhat looks back as well as forward.

  • Beautiful Testing – Last October my first book, Beautiful Testing, was published.
  • Element 34 – I parted ways with Zerofootprint at the end of the year and have started my own Selenium consultancy / coaching / micro-isv, Element 34. I’m booked solid for the next couple months, but ping me anyways; I’m happy to chat about Se and Testing at length. In the future, Selenium postings will go to that site and this one will remain general testing.
  • Se-IDE – I’m now a core team member for the Selenium project, specifically focused on Se-IDE. The main goal for Se-IDE this year is to get plugin support sufficiently robust so new features and abilities are done through plugins rather than change the core.
  • Selenium Book – I started to write a book on Selenium for one of the major tech publishers, but we’ve mutually shelved the project after work scheduled conflicted with producing it. Hopefully we’ll renew it towards the end of the year.
  • TASSQ – Last week I spoke at the March TASSQ dinner meeting. Slides and notes will be posted over the next couple days
  • Targeting Quality – I’ll be speaking at this year’s Targeting Quality conference on April 21st about how to succeed with Selenium
  • Star East – The week after Targeting Quality I’ll be at Star East for a ridiculously busy conference schedule. On the Wednesday I’ll be doing another version of my Testing Hats Art Show immediately followed by a Beautiful Testing book signing. On Thursday I’ll be part of the Test Automation table at lunch to field questions on Selenium and ‘automating checks and facilitating testing’ then later in the afternoon you can book 1-on-1 time with me as part of a meet-the-speaker program. At some point I hope to attend a session or two — or maybe just hold court in a central area somewhere. Oh. And if you haven’t booked your spot at Star East yet, I have discount codes.
  • Agile 2010 – Acceptance notices went out last week and I’ll be speaking at this year’s Agile conference in Nashville in August about managing test cases in an Agile-ish manner.

In other words, learning a lot about being self-employed and being a consultant as well as speaking fairly regularly. In a perfect world I would speak somewhere once a month; May, June and July is still open.