Earlier today I made a mini-plea on Twitter for TDD references (specific to Rails 3) since I’m starting to build an app and should do it the ‘proper’ way. Ends up what I really wanted was BDD/ATDD references; specifically Cucumber + Rails 3.

Following the concept of Minimum Viable Product as a model I sketched out the first two Cucumber features while waiting for the boy at karate this morning. And already I had one of those ‘oh, wait!’ moments by realizing I hadn’t done the ‘show the landing page’ stuff before the ‘signup’ parts.

So here are my features. Again, the eventual signup form will eventually have a tonne more information, but all I need right now is username and password.

Feature: Landing
  In order to use test maps
  As a user
  I want to see the landing page
  Scenario: Display landing page
    Given user is not cookied
    When user goes to site
    Then landing page is displayed
Feature: Signup
  In order to create test maps
  As a new user
  I want to register
  Scenario: Display registration form
    Given user is unregistered
    When user clicks they want to signup
    Then signup page is displayed
  Scenario: Happy path signup
    Given username is available
    And password is strong
    And password is verified
    When user clicks signup
    Then user is created
  Scenario: Username available
    Given username is already in use
    And password is strong
    And password is verified
    When user clicks signup
    Then message 'Username is not available' is displayed
  Scenario: Password length
    Given a password is too short
    And password is verified
    And username is available
    When user clicks signup
    Then message 'Password needs to be 5 or more characters' is displayed
  Scenario: Password verification
    Given a password is not verified
    And password is strong
    And username is available
    When user clicks signup
    Then message 'Password fields do not match' is displayed

Anyone have any stylistic suggestions?

Now all I need to do is implement the actual steps. Heh; all…