Futility-based Test Automation
Clint Sprauve did a pretty slick talk at Star West of the format ‘do these things and you will fail’ style that is popular these days. You know you are attending a talk in the US when it starts with a football metaphor; kinda worked, but likely could have gone better with a different audience. Ah well.
- Unit tests is like only spellchecking for a novel — spell correct but is want to read it?
- The techniques…
- Record and Playback only
- Dependencies between Tests
- Elaborate Test Frameworks
- Substantial Duplication of Tests
- Happy Path only
- No (or not enough) Unit Tests
- No (or not enough) GUI Tests
- Poor readability of test cases
- Go Agile and force BAs and SMEs into automation
- Keyword Driven Testing
- Manual testing didn’t die because we created automated testing
- A Pragmatic Approach
- Don’t let tools’ drive your quality efforts
- Use DSLs (either Cucumber-ish or Keyword)
- and a couple other things I didn’t catch