- created_at, which is a fields that is created when using timestamps in Laravel Models/Migrations, is not indexed by default. So any time you use the built-in latest() or oldest() functions on an Eloquent query, you are doing a full table scan. There was an issue raised, but of course got shut down by the maintainer. Seriously, it annoys the hell out of my how small scale the Laravel team thinks. Scaling wut? At least when DHH was creating Rails he had a huge application to build/maintain. What’s Laravel got? Oh, a bunch of ecosystem stuff…
- Observability throughout a distributed system is a pain. I’ve been trying to diagnose a performance bottleneck and tracking a request through 3 difference systems is a challenge. I need to somehow inject an id into incoming messages and flow it through. And messages that are originated in the system on their way out.
- I found the source of the bottleneck at least. It looked like it was in an Eloquent save() call. Buuuut, its in an Event Observer on the ‘created’ event. I so wanted to blame the framework…
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